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Our Most Popular Courses
Start with Part 1 of our 4 Part Lower Limb Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation course

Lower Limb Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: Module 1 Tendinopathies
This module will cover the management of common lower limb tendinopathies including; Patellar, Proximal Hamstring, Gluteal and Achilles.

Lower Limb Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: Module 2 Soft Tissue Injuries
This module will cover the management of common lower limb soft tissue pathologies including; Groin/Adductor, Quad/Hip Flexor, Hamstring and Calf.

Lower Limb Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: Module 3 Bone Stress Injuries
This module will cover the management of common lower limb BSIs including; Lower Leg – Tibial & Foot – Metatarsal BSIs.

Lower Limb Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: Module 4 Injuries to the Hip/Knee/Ankle
This module will include comprehensive review of common hip, knee and ankle pathologies including; FAI, Hip & Knee OA, MCL & ACL knee injuries, and Ankle Sprain/Chronic Ankle Instability.

Lower Limb Muskuloskeletal Rehabilatation: 4-in-1 Online Package (8 CPD)
This package allows access to our 4 Online Learning Modules covering Lower Limb: Tendinopathies, Soft Tissue Injuries, Bone Stress Injuries, Injuries to the Hip, Knee and Ankle.

Upper Limb Shoulder Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
This course provides a comprehensive review of common upper limb shoulder pathologies commonly seen the Exercise Physiology setting. This is presented via 5x Online Topic Modules and offers 8CPD points.

2 Course Bundle – Lower Limb and Upper Limb Learning Modules (16 CPD)
This package allows access to our Upper Limb Shoulder and Lower Limb Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Courses.

Got your back! Making Low Back Pain Simple! for Exercise Physiologists (8CPD).
This course provides Exercise Physiologists with a comprehensive review of the current evidence regarding assessment, management, and treatment of common lower back pathologies. 8CPD points and certification on completion.

2 Course Bundle – Lower Limb and Lower Back Learning Modules (16 CPD)
This package allows access to our Lower Limb and Lower Back Courses.

3 Course Bundle – Lower Limb, Upper Limb and Lower Back Learning Modules (24 CPD)
This package allows access to our Upper Limb Shoulder, Lower Limb Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation and Lower Back Courses.

2 Course Bundle – Upper Limb Limb and Lower Back Learning Modules (16 CPD)
This package allows access to our Upper Limb Shoulder and Lower Back Courses.

SSEP PRESENTS SYDNEY COURSE – Got your back! Making Low Back Pain Simple for Exercise Physiologists! (8CPD)
26th of October, 2024 @ Blacktown Exercise, Sports & Technology Hub (BEST). An exciting opportunity to learn about the latest evidence-based treatment considerations for patients suffering from lower back pain.