Further Education for Exercise Physiologists

4-in-1 Online Package

Lower Limb Learning Modules

8 CPD Points

Course Details

Course Duration

Approx. 2 hours per module

Special 4 Module Bundle Price

$ 375.00
(Usually $99 per course - save 5%)

CPD Points

8 points earned

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Course Description

SSEP Presents – Lower Limb Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation course (Online Package) will provide you with a comprehensive review of common lower limb musculoskeletal pathologies with the latest evidence-based research, epidemiology, aetiology/risk factors, rehabilitation exercise progressions and performance exit criteria for each pathology area.

This package includes  access to all 4 online learning modules:

The course has been designed, written, and reviewed by current practicing Accredited Exercise Physiologists and Strength & Conditioning coaches working in both private practice musculoskeletal sports clinics & elite level sporting teams.

All presented information, evidence-based advice and recommendations has been sourced from highly respected clinical allied health professionals and resources.  All information is clinically relevant and up to date specifically to allow for quick implementation for your clients.

ESSA Approved Training for Exercise Physiologists

All of our courses have been designed, written and reviewed by current practicing Accredited Exercise Physiologists/Strength & Conditioning coaches working in private practice musculoskeletal sports clinics & with elite level sporting teams.

All presented information and evidence based advice and recommendations has been sourced from highly respected clinical allied health professionals and resources.

Course Reviews

5 out of 5

Brilliant course on LBP. Well presented lecture material and the demonstrations of exercise assessment and prescription in the clinic were very insightful. I highly recommend this course.

4 out of 5

Very useful for the clinical setting

Rohan Paddick
5 out of 5

Great course, exactly what I was looking for! The presenter speaks very quickly - I had to pause a few times, and will be looking back at a couple of slides 🙂

Carol-Ann Bradbury
5 out of 5

Comprehensive Bundle worth spending, and to further develop your learning.

Maryam Rogers
5 out of 5

Comprehensive overview of important topics related to soft tissue injuries, this is definitely a course to consider if you want to ultimately improve clients' outcomes

Maryam Rogers
5 out of 5

Well presented, inclusive of the latest research eg classification, and management to sporting, rehabilitation, and clinical settings

Maryam Rogers
5 out of 5

A world class presentation with high-quality research easily applied to musculoskeletal rehabilitation settings. Highly recommended for all treating practitioners looking to further their knowledge.

David Watts
5 out of 5

Really nice presentation of the fundamentals needed for rehab.

4 out of 5

Amazing content delivered, appreciative of the modules. If anything to improve on maybe a skip 10s forward/back system would be efficient or uploading the slides on a separate document (similar to university lecture slides formats).

5 out of 5

Very well presented course with a thorough review of the literature to support best practice recommendations. Provided useful examples, and tasks throughout ensured a solid grasp of the information provided. An ideal option for upskilling and gaining CPD points whilst in lockdown.

5 out of 5

Good to review pathophys of this category. The course was particularly helpful when going into specifics of periodising exercise interventions and quantifying load management for an effective rehabilitation and safe return to sport.

5 out of 5

Great Course!! Very valuable information that I can use straight away in my current work with endurance based athletes. I found the pathophysiology explanation and practical management strategies particularly helpful. Great value across the 4 course package. Excited to see if they release any other courses in the future!

5 out of 5

As a new grad, this course was the perfect way to further develop my knowledge. I found the optimal loading strategies & treatment examples for each of the pathologies extremely valuable.

5 out of 5

The deep dive into the pathophysiology of tendinopathies and stages of loading principles has changed the way I treat! Highly recommend for EP's of all experience levels!


CPD Points

This package includes access to our easy to use Online Learning Platform “SSEP Presents” and 8CPD points upon completion.

We hope your enjoy the 4 Part Online Series and we look forward to you joining us again in the future.

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